36 days of (kinetic) type | 2024

An experimental take on the global typography challenge as a part of 
my course module where I was asked to learn a new tool within 3 weeks 
and respond to the open theme of ‘PLAY’. I chose generative tools and 
created this motion-based visual outcome using P5 javascript, Processing, 
ASCII art and bitmaps in creative coding. A visual experiment paired with 
an insightful analysis of the act of play. 

Creative Coding | Motion Design | Experimental Design | Typography | Generative Design

to play is to learn with (A)ction
it is (B)oundless
allows (C)ringe
it can be (D)isorderly
and simply (E)ffortless
to play is to be (F)risky
with (G)enerative outcomes
full of (H)umor
and (I)nsight
play can bring you (J)itters
a (K)inetic dance of joy
play thrives, never (L)ackluster
play finds (M)eaning
beautifully (N)onconforming
reveals (O)bscure wonders
play is (P)erceptive
play can be (Q)uick
and full of (R)isk
(S)timulating for the mind
a way to be (T)actful
an (U)nusual moment
to play is to be (V)ulnerable
full of (W)it
a (X)enial realm of shared joy
play is (Y)earned for in the daily
something full of (Z)est
infinite canvas of imagination
encourages individuality
fosters companionship
swirls with spontaneous exploration
structured creativity

engages all senses

harmony and balance 

dares to explore the unknown
unconventional approaches
complete fulfillment